Sunday, January 30, 2011

Working on a New Line!!!

Hey everyone!
I will be working this spring with Fashion Week Cleveland again and this time I figured "Hey, why not combine duct tape and literature in a fantastic explosion of creativity and a visual orgasm!?!?"
As promotion for FWC and a potential wearable art fashion show next year, I will be (hopefully) attending the pre-parties and also (maybe) Cuyahoga County Public Libraries during the days of the parties. Everything is still in the works but I'm very excited. I have as of right now 5 designs on the drawing board and would love to hear some input.
I will be basing my ideas off literary works (novels, poems, authors, etc). As of right now I have a "The Raven" by Poe dress, a "Leaves of Grass" by Whitman dress, "The Inferno" by Dante dress, and a few other rough ideas.
Look for updates in the near future and once I refine my designs, I'll try to post them on here. Other than that, enjoy this video of MCLars "Mr. Raven"

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